I came to Safe Haven with my sister-Lorelia and brother-Luke. I used to be a little scared at first when people come in to meet me, but watched closely what visitors did with my brother and sister and it looked so fun I quickly relaxed and started greeting people why waving my paw as a "welcome". As I get used to people I've found being held is really good and will start a good purring session with the person holding me. I also find toys interesting and will steal any Temptations Treats offered to my siblings...they're just so tasty!
Watch the video of me and my siblings: https://youtu.be/P8ipbSRLhCk
This 6 month old purrfect feline’s adoption donation is $75 which includes spay/neuter, microchip, rabies vaccine, FVRCP vaccine, flea/tick preventative, and dewormer. Please fill out an adoption application at www.safehavenforpets.org. If you have any further questions, please email safehaven1471@gmail.com or call 815-858-2265.